German parliament approved new wind energy law in Germany

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 20, 2022. The German parliament passed a new onshore wind energy law, WindLandG; which aims to expand this class of renewables by 10 GW per year from 2025 and thus promote clean energy.
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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 20, 2022

The German parliament passed a new onshore wind energy law, WindLandG; which aims to expand this class of renewables by 10 GW per year from 2025 and thus promote clean energy.

With this new law, Germany is obliged to achieve an 80% share of renewable energy in electricity by 2030; with a view to establishing a completely climate-neutral energy system by 2045. It is worth mentioning that parliamentarians removed from the final text a proposed goal of 100% renewable energy in electricity by 2035.

In this way, in line with the REPowerEU Action Plan of the European Union, Germany now considers renewable energy as a matter of “overriding public interest”.

In this way, WindLandG reviews the expansion path and auction schedules for onshore wind power in Germany. The goal is to gradually increase annual onshore wind power additions to more than 12 GW by 2025. After that date, Germany plans to build 10 GW of new onshore wind power a year. To allow for a large enough project portfolio, the law includes improvements to generation permits.

However, there are still several challenges to overcome, according to WindEurope. The availability of sufficient sites for wind power projects will be essential to deliver the largest volumes. In addition, the German government now mandates the German states (Länder) to set aside 2% of their territory for onshore wind generation. All Länder must reach the 2% target by 2032 with an intermediate target for 2027.

In this regard, Länder that are unable or unwilling to set aside 2% of their territory for onshore wind power can now exchange up to 50% of their designated sites with Länder that do exceed their targets.

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