Swedish government bans emissions from offshore scrubbers by 2025

The ban on scrubbers in Swedish territorial waters will be implemented in two stages until 2029.
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La prohibición de emisiones de depuradores de gases

The Swedish government plans to implement new regulations that will impact marine pollution after banning emissions from scrubbers. According to a recent memorandum, changes are proposed to the Ship Pollution Measures Regulation and the Sulphur Regulation. These changes are aimed at banning emissions from exhaust gas scrubbers in Swedish maritime waters.

Emissions ban on scrubber emissions

According to an official memorandum According to an official memorandum, amendments to the Ship Pollution Measures Regulation and the Sulphur Regulation are proposed to give effect to this measure. The first phase of the ban will begin on July 1, 2025, focusing on scrubbers used in the open position. Subsequently, as of January 1, 2029, the ban will be extended to all types of scrubbers, including those used in closed position.

These changes are expected to come into effect with the amendment of the Sulfur Regulation on July 1, 2025. This decision seeks to reduce emissions of pollutants into the marine environment thus improving water quality and protecting local biodiversity. Some environmental experts have praised the measure, highlighting Sweden’s position as a leader in implementing strict environmental regulations.

However, some industrial sectors express concerns about the costs associated with the transition to cleaner technologies. Despite the criticism, the Swedish government remains steadfast in its commitment to promote more sustainable practices in shipping. With these regulations, Sweden is expected to set a precedent for other coastal nations in adopting stricter measures against marine pollution.

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Source: Regeringen

Photo: Shutterstock

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