Gas pipeline rupture caused forest fire in Canada

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Ruptura de un gasoducto provocó un incendio forestal en Canadá

A fracture in TC Energy’s gas pipeline system in Alberta resulted in a wildfire last Tuesday, sparking the fire in a remote area, the company said. According to the statement posted on their website, the initial natural gas ignition at the incident site was extinguished and they subsequently collaborated with Alberta Wildfire to control a secondary fire stemming from the first.

Forest fire after gas pipeline rupture

Additionally, the company assured that no injuries were reported and highlighted its continued cooperation with local emergency teams to manage the situation. The incident occurred about 40 km northwest of Edson, in Yellowhead County, where witnesses reported seeing a column of flames and smoke that could be seen from several kilometers around.

The Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) indicated that preliminary investigations indicate that a crack in the gas pipeline was the cause of the fire , which is now under control. TC Energy, for its part, reported that the affected section of the NGTL system was isolated and closed and that the rest of the system continues to operate normally without commercial impact.

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Monitoring, evaluation and control

To ensure adequate follow-up, the CER announced that it will send inspectors to the area to evaluate the company’s response and determine the full impact of the incident. TC Energy’s NGTL system plays a crucial role in transporting natural gas produced in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin to both Canadian and US markets.

Importantly, this incident underlines the importance of maintaining strict security and monitoring measures on energy infrastructure, especially in remote areas. Increasing inspections and improving emergency response protocols can prevent future incidents, minimize environmental impact, and ensure the continuity of essential services.

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Photo: shutterstock

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