Decommissioning of the Garigliano nuclear power plant moves forward

The dismantling operation was carried out underwater, requiring the use of special tools and techniques for working in a hostile and radioactive environment.
El desmantelamiento de la central nuclear de Garigliano avanza

Sogin, the Italian company in charge of radioactive waste management, has announced the completion of a crucial stage in the decommissioning of the Garigliano nuclear power plant, located in Italy. Following a complex operation carried out in late 2023 and early 2024, the removal of the contaminated metallic components from the nuclear reactor.

The decommissioning of the Garigliano nuclear power plant

The removal of these components, located at the heart of the reactor, has required the development of specialized techniques and equipment to ensure the safety of workers and the environment. The work has been carried out underwater, using remote cutting and handling tools, and has been constantly monitored to ensure that all nuclear safety standards are met.

Decommissioning of the Garigliano nuclear power plant in Italy
The operations were carried out together with the subsidiary Nucleco. Source: Sogin

With the completion of this first phase, Sogin is now working on the design of the next stages of decommissioning. The removal of the reactor’s internal components and, subsequently, of the reactor itself, are the next challenges facing the company.

The decommissioning of the Garigliano nuclear power plant is a major project aimed at ensuring long-term safety and protecting the environment. The progress achieved so far is a testament to Sogin’s commitment to responsible nuclear waste management.

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Source and photos: Sogin