GA Drilling introduced its innovative deep drilling tool: ANCHORBIT®

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inspenet - 1958

Inspenet, June 12, 2023

GA Drilling has held the first public demonstration of its new deep drilling tool, the ANCHORBIT®, designed to significantly reduce the costs of geothermal drilling.

GA Drilling has conducted the first public demonstration of its new deep drilling tool, the ANCHORBIT®. GA Drilling developed the tool to significantly reduce the cost of deep geothermal drilling, doubling drilling speed and extending bit life in hard and abrasive formations.

The test was conducted in collaboration with Nabors Industries Ltd. (“Nabors”) (NYSE: NBR) at its technology center in Houston. With the integration of GA Drilling’s innovative drilling tools into Nabors’ industry-leading automated drilling operations, it is expected to accelerate the commercialization of the innovative technology and remove traditional economic barriers to deep geothermal projects, which should Expand global access to geothermal energy.

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1958 GA Drilling ANCHORBIT perforacion energia geotermica 3

ANCHORBIT®, GA Drilling’s new drilling technology promises to reduce costs and increase efficiency in geothermal projects

ANCHORBIT® is designed to allow deep drilling in hard, high-temperature formations compared to shallow hole drilling. The technology aims to penetrate crystalline rocks to a depth of more than 5 km (3 miles) at high speeds, harnessing hot water in the earth’s crust to generate clean energy and convert it into electricity.

ANCHORBIT® is a specialized downhole advancement system that improves stability and prevents vibration during drilling operations in hard rock and high temperatures typically found in deep geothermal projects.

1958 GA Drilling ANCHORBIT perforacion energia geotermica 2

By stabilizing the bit in the hole and adding weight, the ANCHORBIT® can double the rate of penetration and extend bit life. This represents a significant improvement over current drilling methods that suffer from vibration, slow penetration rates and frequent bit changes in these challenging conditions.

GA Drilling, a geothermal technology company with operations in Houston, USA, Bratislava, Slovakia, and Bristol, UK, is a pioneer in advanced drilling using plasma and thermomechanical technologies.

Source : Think Geothermal

Photos: GA Drilling

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