Environmental emergency declared for beaches in Telde after fuel spill in Gran Canary Islands

The Government of the Canary Islands has ordered the mobilization of the Local Police and the Telde Lifeguard Service to the scene.
Los planes de contingencia por el ante el vertido de combustible

The City Council of Telde has announced the closure of the beaches of San Borondón and Palos, adding to the beaches of La Restinga, which were restricted, due to the arrival of a fuel oil spill, which reached the coasts of the Spanish municipality.

Fuel spill contingency plans

The spill originated on Wednesday night at the Port of La Luz and Las Palmas. Some people made the report, activating safety protocols and local alerts, after the emergency situation was generated.

The mayor of Telde, Juan Antonio Peña, went to the affected area to supervise the clean-up work being carried out by Salvamento Marítimo. However, the adverse weather conditions and the large amount of spilled fuel have hindered the efforts to mitigate the situation.

The Government of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Emergencies, has declared the“autonomic level of emergency” due to marine pollution. According to the authorities, the spill occurred during a fuel supply maneuver at the Virgen del Pino dock.

Real-time updates

Telde City Council is providing updated information, minute by minute, through its official account in X @Ayun_Telde, where citizens can follow the latest developments of this environmental emergency situation.

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Source and photo: Telde City Hall