Free courses! Microsoft and LinkedIn develop training for AI tools

Inspenet, June 30, 2023. Microsoft and LinkedIn have introduced a series of free courses in English that offer training in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. In addition, Microsoft has announced that these courses will also be released in other languages ​​in the coming months, thus expanding the availability and accessibility of AI training resources.
Microsoft y LinkedIn

Inspenet, June 30, 2023.

Microsoft and LinkedIn have launched a series of free courses in English that offer training in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools.

A statement issued by the technology company expresses: “These courses provide the opportunity to acquire introductory knowledge about AI concepts, such as responsible frameworks, and obtain a certificate.”

In addition, Microsoft has announced that these courses will also be released in other languages ​​such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese in the coming months, thus expanding the availability and accessibility of training resources.

These courses are free and will be available in different languages

The company has also announced a training toolset for educators, including mini-size downloadable content. In addition, Microsoft has reported on a grant aimed at empowering historically marginalized communities.

The goal of this grant, for which applications are accepted until August 15 , is to explore how nonprofit organizations and academic or research institutions can use generative AI to empower the workforce.

After the success achieved by ChatGPT last November, Microsoft made a multi-billion dollar investment in this start-up. In February, the tech giant introduced its own AI chatbot called Bing, which uses OpenAI technology.

After the implementation of these tools in different sectors, both experts and governments have expressed concern about the possible effects of this technology on society, which has the ability to generate text, photos and videos.

Could these courses lead to job losses?

One of the short-term fears is the increase in misinformation and the possible loss of jobs, especially in the field of offices.

According to a survey conducted by Microsoft, 49% of the people surveyed expressed concern about the replacement of their jobs by AI. However, the same study reveals that 70% of those surveyed would be willing to delegate as many tasks as possible to AI in order to reduce their workload.

Source: %C3% B3n-para-herramientas-de-ia/48626938