France Gears Up for a Bold Nuclear Energy Revival

Inspenet, January 28, 2024. France's purpose is to completely eliminate dependence on fossil fuels, with the aim of mitigating the negative impacts they generate on the environment. This means abandoning refineries and reducing the use of oil as much as possible.
Francia prepara un programa de energía nuclear

France’s purpose is to completely eliminate dependence on fossil fuels, with the aim of mitigating the negative impacts they generate on the environment. This means abandoning refineries and reducing the use of oil as much as possible, carrying out a comprehensive decarbonization of the country.

The strategy is aimed at a total transition towards renewable energy sources, including nuclear energy, which stands out for its efficiency and its inability to generate greenhouse gas emissions.

Because we have a decarbonized and stable energy supply thanks to nuclear energy. So this will become the law to give businesses and households greater visibility with some of the lowest carbon, cheapest and most stable energy in Europe with long-term contracts“, declared Emmanuel Macron, President of France.

France and its new nuclear energy program

France exhibits one of the strongest economies globally, ranking among the top ten on the planet. During his most recent speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Macron not only detailed how he has achieved this status, but also outlined the strategy to continue moving forward.

It is also important to highlight that France occupies the second position as the main producer of nuclear energy worldwide. In recent years, it has brought into operation six new reactors, with the ambition of activating another eight before next June. Macron’s strategy to address climate change and its impacts on the environment is based on two essential pillars: investment in artificial intelligence and the expansion of renewable energy sources. The president emphasizes the need for advanced democracies to generate jobs, reindustrialize the agenda linked to climate and biodiversity, adopting a sovereign approach, especially in terms of climate and energy.

Currently, 70% of the electricity consumed in France comes from its nuclear facilities . This situation not only leads to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, but also has direct and positive impacts on both the citizens’ budget and the economic stability of the country.

Macron advocates greater investment in clean energy sources and highlights the need to dedicate additional resources to artificial intelligence and semiconductors. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of developing a coherent and solid strategy. Likewise, it highlights the need to revitalize the European social model, consolidating an approach that promotes sustainable jobs and provides support during transformation processes.

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