Floating LNG terminal launched in France

Inspenet, November 2, 2023. TotalEnergies, a leader in the regasification sector in Europe, has announced the start-up of Cape Ann, its liquefied natural gas (LNG) floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) located in the port of Le Havre, France. .
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Inspenet, November 2, 2023.

TotalEnergies , a leader in the regasification sector in Europe, has announced the start-up of Cape Ann, its liquefied natural gas (LNG) floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) located in the port of Le Havre, France. . The terminal has injected its first megawatt-hours (MWh) of gas into the network managed by GRTgaz , using LNG from Norway.

TotalEnergies has secured 50% of the terminal’s annual capacity, which amounts to approximately 5 billion m 3 , for the purpose of supplying LNG from its global portfolio. The rest of the capacity will be marketed following the regulations approved by the regulatory body.

The aforementioned company, with approximately 12% participation in the LNG market worldwide, is positioned as the third most prominent player in this sector, with a global portfolio of around 50 Mt/year thanks to its investments in plants. liquefaction plants distributed in various geographic regions.

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It also has an integrated position throughout the entire LNG value chain, covering production, transportation and access to more than 20 Mt/year of regasification capacity in Europe, as well as trade and supply operations.

TotalEnergies’ goal is to increase the share of natural gas in its sales to close to 50% by 2030, with a focus on reducing carbon emissions and eliminating methane emissions associated with the gas value chain. . In addition, it will collaborate with local partners to promote the transition from the use of coal to natural gas.

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Source: https://www.radarenergetico.com/totalenergies-pone-en-marcha-su-terminal-flotante-de-gnl-en-francia/

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