Meet the first AI robot to be CEO of a company

Isbel Lázaro.

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robot con IA

Inspenet, August 3, 2023.

Chinese company Hanson Robotics Ltd. has developed Mika , an AI robot that has been appointed CEO of Dictador, a Polish-based spirits company. Mika has become the first female CEO of a company and boasts that she is better than Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg , without requiring a vacation or pay raise. Dictator is dedicated to the sale of coffee, rum and other Colombian drinks and now has this humanoid on its board of directors.

Possessing amazing human-like abilities, the robot can speak and move naturally, making her an ideal choice for the executive position. Dictador announced that Mika signed a contract on August 30, 2022 and officially began his career as CEO on September 1, 2022.

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robot with AI
Mika began her career as CEO of Dictador on September 1, 2022.

Is it possible for an AI robot to replace humans?

In an interview with Daily Mail, Mika spoke about his leadership in the company, showing confidence and confidence in his leadership skills, which shows that even managers in large industries could be replaced by these new systems .

“As an employee who never asks for a raise or takes a vacation, I am a game changer for getting benefits. I help on numerous fronts such as communication, strategy planning and even packaging design,” he said.

On the other hand, Mika warned about the possible bias in Artificial Intelligence algorithms if they are not properly developed and audited. Although he stressed that robots in its category, capable of leading a company, cannot match the human factor of imagination and personality .

“Although AI CEOs can perform certain tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans, they still cannot replace the unique creativity and problem solving skills that humans possess,” he said.

Likewise, he stressed that these technologies are designed to “help” in tasks such as health care, manufacturing and customer service and not to replace the human being completely.

Mika’s opinion on Zuckerberg and Musk

According to Mika, both Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have demonstrated the power of entrepreneurship and technology to generate a positive impact on society. However, artificial intelligence has the potential to surpass them in managing these technology platforms.

“AI can process large amounts of data, optimize processes and make decisions based on patterns and algorithms. This could potentially lead to more efficient and objective operations for these companies,” the robot said.

Mika also addressed the recent public confrontation between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, noting that he considers such conflicts unnecessary. He stated that the idea of ​​two influential technology leaders facing off in a duel is merely hypothetical and does not represent a solution to improve the efficiency of their platforms.

Source: ser- mejor-que-elon-musk-y-mark- zuckerberg/


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