China Installs Its First 18 MW Offshore Wind Turbine

The installed turbine has a swept area exceeding 53,000 m2, equivalent to the size of 7.4 standard soccer fields.
La primera turbina eólica marina de 18 MW fue instalada en China

Last Wednesday saw the successful installation of the first 18 MW semi-direct drive offshore wind turbine at a coastal test base located in the city of Shantou, in the southern province of Guangdong, China. This event marks a starting point in the renewable energy industry. renewable energy It is the largest offshore wind turbine ever installed in the world, according to its developer, Dongfang Electric Corporation.

First 18 MW offshore wind turbine: the largest in the world

The rotor of this turbine has a diameter of 260 meters and its swept area exceeds 53,000 m2, which is comparable to the size of 7.4 standard soccer fields. These impressive dimensions allow for a considerably higher power generation capacity compared to wind turbines. traditional wind turbines. turbines.

The company has indicated that the average annual generation of this turbine is 72 million kilowatt-hours. This amount of energy is sufficient to meet the electricity needs of approximately 36,000 homes for a full year.

Another important fact is that the implementation of this turbine contributes significantly to the reduction of coal dependence by saving more than 22,000 tons of standard coal annually and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 59,000 tons per year.

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Source: spanish.xinhuanet

Photo: shutterstock