North Gas Pipeline reversal completed after automatic welding in record time

The welding projects in segments 2 and 3, assigned to the Joint Venture (UTE) formed by Techint and Sacde.
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El proyecto de reversión del Gasoducto Norte

This week the welding of the pipes was completed, and the companies in charge of the North Gas Pipeline reversion project announced the digging of trenches, joining of pipes, protection against damage and final placement on the ground. Subsequently, the necessary hydraulic tests will be carried out.

The reversal of the Northern Gas Pipeline

Each of the welding projects in segments 2 and 3, assigned to the joint venture formed by Techint and Sacde, were carried out with great efficiency. According to reports from the UTE, this phase, completed in Arroyo Cabral, Cordoba, used an automatic welding system that reduced execution times, thus complying with the stipulated contractual deadlines. In total, 4,059 welds were completed in 41 days, achieving an average progress rate of 3 km per day.

This technology, applied for the first time in the country in the country in the Néstor Kirchner gas pipeline, allows a greater number of daily welds to be made, minimizing errors and ensuring a constant production rate in each section of the pipeline.

Sections 2 and 3, in charge of Techint and Sacde, contemplate the construction of 122 km of 36-inch diameter gas pipeline from La Carlota to the vicinity of Villa María. This project includes an extension of 62 km and the reversal of gas flow in four compressor plants: Ferreyra and Deán Funes in Córdoba, Lavalle in Santiago del Estero, and Lumbreras in Salta, all located on the route of the Northern Gas Pipeline operated by TGN.

The Sistema Norte project

The project will allow bi-directional transportation of gas in the “Northern System” with a capacity of up to 19 MMm3/d, thus providing versatility and guaranteeing supply in the required direction. Finally, the Reversion of the Northern Gas Pipeline, which is expected to be completed by the end of August or early September.

This will enable the transportation of gas from the Vaca Muerta formation in Neuquén, the second largest unconventional reserve in the world, to Córdoba, Salta, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero, Catamarca, La Rioja and Tucumán. This gas flow will replace gas from Bolivia, supply homes and industries and facilitate the development of new activities, such as lithium mining.

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Source: Ambito

Photo: Techint

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