Figure 01 is becoming more and more human and it seems that it will be able to replace us.

The humanoid robot is distinguished by its advanced integration of technologies that allow it to perform tasks with near-human precision and naturalness.
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Figure 01 es cada vez más humano y parece que podrá reemplazarnos

The idea of humanoid robots displacing us in the future is becoming less and less far-fetched. Sophia giving a moving speech to a group of university graduates.; a Ameca drawing and to Mika being CEO of a companyit is difficult to think otherwise. But when it comes to robots that are becoming “more human”, Figure 01, the humanoid developed by the company Figure AI, is a robot that is very close to taking first place.

Since it was officially presented in March 2023, it has not ceased to amaze with its abilities. Two months ago, the company shared a video on its YouTube channel showing the humanoid performing tasks with a precision and naturalness that borders on human. See for yourself!


Figure 01’s skills are becoming more and more amazing. Source: Figure AI

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Figure 01 merges the advanced research of OpenAI with the ambitions of Figure AI to create a robot that, in addition to mimicking the human form, also understands and responds with surprising agility.

What are the characteristics of Figure 01?

This humanoid equipped with the ability to execute precise and coordinated movements. Figure 01 benefits from 24 degrees of freedom and an operating frequency of 200 Hz, allowing it to perform tasks with near-human precision.

Beyond the mechanics, the Figure 01 robot stands out for its ability to engage in meaningful conversations and understand complex contexts thanks to the integration of the latest language models from OpenAI . This capability allows it to recognize objects in its environment to participate in deep dialogues, providing responses that take into account previous interaction history.

Moreover, visuo-motor transformers allow the robot to visually interpret the environment and act accordingly, while an end-to-end neural network facilitates continuous learning and adaptation to new situations.

This advanced “anatomy” makes it possible to consider the possibility that in the future there will be a robot in every home and even in the smallest companies.

So why is Figure 01 so advanced?

When comparing Figure 01 with other robots such as the Tesla Bot and the Digit from Agility Robotics it is clear that Figure 01 represents a significant evolution in autonomy and natural interaction with humans. The investment by technology giants such as Microsoft and NVIDIA is evidence of the perceived potential of Figure 01 as a potentially revolutionary platform for multiple industries, including healthcare, manufacturing and consumer services.

The question of whether a robot will be in every home by 2030 no longer seems so far off, and with specimens like this one, the future of humanoid robotics is promising but at the same time challenging (and even creepy).

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Photo: Figure AI

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