World’s largest EV battery sharing network grows

The Gogoro network currently has more than 2,000 GoStations in Taiwan.
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La red de intercambio de baterías de EV en Asia

With more than one million interchangeable batteries for electric vehicles, the Gogoro company has consolidated its position and growth of the EV battery exchange network in the electric mobility sector, especially in motorcycles and scooters.

EV Battery Sharing Network Expansion in Asia

The company has announced the expansion of its GoStation network, now including several new stations that will operate exclusively on renewable energy. In total, the Gogoro network currently has more than 2,000 GoStations in Taiwan, its main market, in addition to having a presence in several Asian countries . This deployment underlines Gogoro’s influence in promoting clean and efficient transportation solutions.

Recently, the company revealed the addition of 15 new GoStations that will be powered entirely by clean energy sources . This initiative ensures that the electric scooters that use these stations operate without emitting carbon, and are fueled in an accessible way.

The announcement was made in collaboration with the company TSMC, highlighting not only the expansion of Gogoro’s network in Hsinchu, TSMC’s headquarters, but also the improvement of Gogoro’s GoShare scooter sharing service. This expansion reflects a shared commitment to sustainability and technological innovation in Taiwan.

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The rise of Gogoro technology

Gogoro’s Horace Luke applauded TSMC’s leadership in transitioning to cleaner energy and promoting sustainable transportation across the island. For her part, TSMC’s Lora Ho highlighted the company’s focus on combating climate change and its collaboration with Gogoro to promote the use of clean energy.

Additionally, Gogoro has opened its network so that other manufacturers can use its standard batteries , significantly expanding the accessibility and usefulness of its technology. These batteries are also used in stationary applications, such as powering parking meters and as backup at traffic lights.

This GoStations expansion is just the first phase of a larger plan , with initial installations in Taipei and other major cities in Taiwan , offering the ability to tour the entire island without autonomy concerns.

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Source and photo: Gogoro

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