Equinor announces gas discovery at Mistral Sør well in the Norwegian Sea

Following this important discovery, natural gas remains crucial for Europe's energy security.
Un gran descubrimiento de gas condensado por Equinor

Equinor , together with its partners Okea and Pandion Energy , has made a gas and condensate discovery in the Mistral Sør well, located in the Halten area, in the southern Norwegian Sea. This discovery is of great significance, because it is estimated to contain between 3 and 7 million standard cubic meters of recoverable oil equivalent, which represents between 19 and 44 million barrels of oil equivalent ( oe ).

A major discovery of gas condensate

Grete B. Haaland, Senior Vice President, North Exploration and Production, Equinor, stressed that such discoveries are essential to maintaining a constant and secure energy supply. She also highlighted the importance of continuing to explore in areas where gas infrastructure already exists, which makes it easier to connect new discoveries to existing distribution networks.

The Mistral Sør well is located in a region already known for significant gas discoveries, such as the Linnorm field, located close to this new discovery. The proximity to gas infrastructure allows this discovery to be evaluated with great optimism, and it is considered a viable commercial discovery. In addition, the area has been the subject of several recent discoveries, including the Lavrans field, currently under development.

The Mistral Sør well was drilled by the Deepsea Atlantic platform at a depth of 4,024 metres below sea level in the Middle Jurassic Garn Formation. The hydrocarbon column encountered in this well reached a height of 45 metres, which indicates the quality of the reservoir and the viability of its long-term exploitation.

This discovery adds to the series of discoveries made by Equinor in the region, and demonstrates the continued exploration potential in the Norwegian Sea. The company remains committed to energy sustainability and to developing solutions that will ensure Europe’s energy supply in the years to come.

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Source and photo: Equinor