Engineering is among the highest paid careers in Peru 2022

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 14, 2022. Engineering is positioning itself as one of the most requested branches in jobs in Peru, according to the specialist of the National Program of Scholarships and Educational Credit (Pronabec), being one of the best paid careers in the country.
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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 14, 2022

Engineering is positioning itself as one of the most requested branches in jobs in Peru, according to the specialist of the National Program of Scholarships and Educational Credit (Pronabec), being one of the best paid careers in the country.

The current job market demands more and more engineers, due to their ability to solve problems and knowledge of technological tools that are applicable in the business world. Here we present the ten highest paid engineering in Peru this 2022:

Systems Engineering and Computing. This type of engineering, which is in charge of the development and maintenance of computer networks, is in the first place of the ranking, with a salary that goes from 1,200 soles and 5,000 soles per month; being his average monthly salary 2 thousand 876 soles.

Telecommunications Engineering. Graduates in Telecommunications Engineering administer, design and manage information technology and telecommunications systems. His average monthly salary is 1,300 soles and 4,100 soles, with an average monthly salary of 2,645 soles.

Industrial engineering. The Industrial Engineering career is in charge of designing, planning and leading the industrial production processes of a company, for its understanding and development of techniques that seek greater efficiency. Most of its graduates can work in the logistics, marketing and administration of the company, having an average salary that goes from 1,200 soles and 4,500 soles.

Sanitary Engineering . Graduates of this type of engineering are in charge of technical management, organization, standardization, construction, and operation of public health services; as well as the internal sanitary facilities, and the projection and execution of systems that revolve around the sanitary sector. His average monthly salary ranges from 930 soles and 4,000 soles.

Mechanical Engineering . The average monthly salary ranges from 1,100 soles to 4,300 soles, and graduates of this type of career record activities in sectors such as the textile, automotive, chemical, agribusiness, food, fishing, and mining industries.

Electric engineering. Electrical Engineering makes use of physics and mathematics for the design of systems and equipment that generate, transport and distribute energy. His average monthly salary ranges from 1,200 soles and 4,400 soles.

Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Engineering . Its graduates are in charge of planning, directing and controlling mining operations, ensuring rational, safe and economical mining exploitation, without harming the environment and maintaining a good relationship with the communities. His average monthly salary ranges from 1,200 soles to 4,000 soles.

Electronic Engineering . This branch of engineering designs, implements and provides solutions in technological areas. Their average monthly salary ranges from 1,200 soles to 3,900 soles.

Civil Engineering. It intervenes in the design, construction and maintenance of the constructions of a country, and its graduates have knowledge in mechanics, hydraulics, calculus or physics. His average monthly salary ranges from 930 soles to 3,700 soles.

Fisheries Engineering. This branch of engineering is within food science and consists of training in the breeding, extraction, processing, transportation, and marketing of hydrobiological resources. His average monthly salary ranges from 1,200 soles to 2,700 soles.

This material from the ElPaisano Portal was edited for clarity, style and length.
