Energy company Ecopetrol creates a new subsidiary in Spain

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Inspenet, March 24, 2023

The Colombian energy company Ecopetrol announced the creation of a subsidiary in Spain focused on activities related to science, technology and innovation, within its process of diversification and transition towards clean energy.

Econova Technology & Innovation will be 100% controlled by Ecopetrol, the largest company in Colombia.

“The presence in Spain allows us to be in the European Union, gain early access to technology under development and international financing sources, promoting the entry of the Ecopetrol Group into the global ecosystem,” the company said in a statement.

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Ecopetrol acquired ISA in 2021, a business conglomerate with operations in the energy, roads and telecommunications businesses in Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Central America through 51 affiliates and subsidiaries.

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Photo : Casimiro PT /

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