EMB presented its MMM technology at the API Summit 2024

Isbel Lázaro.
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Cumbre API 2024 EMB

During the API Summit 2024 , EMB Management , a leading project management, engineering and inspection services company for the oil and gas industry, presented its Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) technology in an interview with Inspenet.

Samuel Abranques, company representative, explained how MMM technology can identify areas of stress concentration in pipes, offering an efficient and economical alternative to conventional solutions.

API Summit 2024 EMB
Samuel Abranques with the Inspenet team at the API 2024 Summit

EMB’s MMM technology at API Summit 2024

This is distinguished by its ability to run a sensor on top of the pipe, detecting cracks, corrosion and bends without the need for expensive launches or receivers for PIGs. Such innovation, according to Abranques, represents a significant cost savings compared to conventional tools such as MFL (Magnetic Flux Leakage), with the possibility of performing daily inspections with a team of three inspectors for approximately $10,000.

We can basically run a sensor on the top of the pipe and we can see if we have areas of stress concentration in the pipes .”

Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, EMB seeks to expand its operations to Houston and Brazil, consolidating its presence in North and South America. MMM technology has already proven effective in South America, and the company plans to explore opportunities in Asia in the future.

The world is big. Maybe in the future we will reach Asia too“.

Likewise, Abranques praised the Inspenet platform and expressed his desire to establish relationships with his community and followers .

With innovative technology and a global approach, EMB is positioned to transform the oil and gas inspection industry with its revolutionary MMM technology.

Enjoy the full interview here and don’t miss any detail.

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Source and photos: Inspenet

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