Electricity works plan presented in Argentina

Inspenet, April 26, 2023 The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, announced this week a plan for electric power works that aims to solve the problem of excess consumption of the supply, both in winter and summer. The plan will have an investment of $5.5 million and will benefit 600,000 users.
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Inspenet, April 26, 2023

The Minister of Economy , Sergio Massa, announced this week a plan for electric power works that aims to solve the problem of excess consumption of the supply, both in winter and summer. The plan will have an investment of $5.5 million and will benefit 600,000 users.

The plan announced by the Minister, together with the Secretary of Energy, Flavia Royón; the Comptroller of Edesur, Jorge Ferraresi; and its counterpart from ENRE, Walter Martello, consists of 278 works in 12 suburban municipalities: Florencio Varela, San Vicente, Presidente Perón, Ezeiza, Esteban Echeverría, Quilmes, Cañuelas, Avellaneda, Lomas de Zamora, Berazategui, Lanús, Almirante Brown.

In this line, the Minister specified that the infrastructure plan, which will have a social and non-commercial criteria, will have an investment of $5.5 million and will benefit 600,000 users; an estimated total of 2,400,000 people. The financing of the announced works will be carried out through the percentage determined in the resolution of the rate increase for 2023.

In this way, after 9 years, the works in transformer stations, substations and power lines will be reactivated. Likewise, the plan will have a planning projected towards the next 5 years and the works included will be presented in the next 60 days.

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Electricity works plan presented in Argentina

Plan contemplates 278 works in 12 municipalities

During the announcement, Massa maintained that “these 278 works in 12 municipalities are trying to complete the winter plan and carry out the works of the summer plan so that the dramatic situation that we had to live in March, within 180 days, is for those who They had to experience a terrible memory, for the company, an unfortunate event in which they had to pay fines for breaching the contract, but for us as a State the responsibility of fulfilling our obligations”.

Meanwhile, Royón recalled that in March there were peaks in demand for electricity in Argentina and stressed that “the generation sector responded as it should and there were no problems in generation.” “I recognize the work carried out by the wholesale company CAMMESA, since we were able to face this type of demand in Argentina without problems, with unusual temperature peaks,” added the Secretary, while stating that “that is why this type of necessary work is essential for the residents of Edesur in order to reach a definitive solution for next summer”.

For his part, Ferraresi remarked that “we mayors had been suffering from this problem for 10 years” and that work was being done to “value everything that had to be done in the territory, visiting all the municipalities.” In addition, the Comptroller stressed that “the control and follow-up will be done by the mayors and the supervision by the UTN”, and he thanked Minister Massa “for the trust and decision to provide solutions to our neighbors.”

During the presentation of the electric power plan, Massa also highlighted that the new MITRE 220/132 kV substation and links will begin to be developed, which once the work is finished, the southern area of CABA, will incorporate 1055 MVA. This work will have an investment of USD 145 million over a period of 42 months and will imply an estimated annual saving of USD 5.5 billion. In this way, the investment will benefit 800,000 users of CABA by improving the quality of service during peak demand in winter and summer.

The mayors and mayors were present, Blanca Cantero (Pte. Perón); Juan José Mussi (Berazategui); Marina Lesci (Lomas de Zamora); Andrés Watson (Florencio Varela); Nicolás Mantegazza (Saint Vincent); Juan José Fabiani (Admiral Brown); Mayra Mendoza (Quilmes); Alejandro Granados (Ezeiza); Marisa Fassi (Cañuelas); Diego Kravetz (Lanús); Fernando Gray (Esteban Echeverria); and the Minister of Economic Development of CABA, José Luis Giusti.

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Mayors during the presentation of the electric power works plan in Argentina

Source and Photos : https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/sergio-massa-presento-un-plan-de-obras-de-energia-electrica

Under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.es . Original title : Sergio Massa presented a plan for electric power works. The text has been edited for length and clarity. Graphic: Twitter@Economia_Ar

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