Electricity production in Peru reached 5,458 GWh at the end of March

Inspenet, May 30, 2023 The Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) of Peru, through the General Directorate of Electricity, reported that the total production of electrical energy at the end of March of this year, including Isolated Systems and the National Interconnected Electrical System (SEIN) of Peru, amounted to 5,458 gigawatt hours (GWh), which meant an increase of 8% compared to the same period in 2022.
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Inspenet, May 30, 2023

The Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) of Peru, through the General Directorate of Electricity, reported that the total production of electrical energy at the end of March of this year, including the Isolated Systems and the National Interconnected Electrical System (SEIN) of Peru, amounted to 5,458 gigawatt hours ( GWh), which meant an increase of 8% compared to the same period in 2022.

According to the report called “Main indicators of the electricity sector at the national level”, prepared by Minem specialists, of the total registered, 5,272 GWh (97%) was generated for the electricity market and 186 GWh (3%) was for use own, that is, what is required by the industries that have generation units (sugar, oil, mining, among others).

It is important to highlight that the progressive increase in the production of electrical energy at the national level is mainly sustained by the economic activity of the large industries that operate in the various regions of the country.

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Electricity production in Peru reached 5,458 GWh at the end of March

Contributions of electric power generation sources in Peru

Regarding the source of electricity generation, the hydroelectric plants produced 2,949 GWh, that is, 11% less than what was generated in March 2022; and on the side of the thermal units that use natural gas, they registered 2,184 GWh, that is, 55% more than what was produced in the same period last year.

The technical report indicates that, in terms of generation with non-conventional renewable energy resources (RER) (solar, wind, bagasse and biogas), at the end of the third month of the year it accumulated a production of 226 GWh, that is, 6% less than that registered in the same period of 2022.

This amount of electrical energy represented 4.1% of the national production during the analyzed period.

Source : Minem

Photos : Shutter Stock

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