Electricity 4.0: Energy savings thanks to artificial intelligence and Big Data

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Inspenet, April 29, 2023

The integration of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence and Big Data into the electricity sector is transforming the way in which energy is produced, distributed and consumed. Known as Electricity 4.0, this process is becoming a key tool to promote an improvement in the quality of service that people receive, increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

According to experts in the sector, the implementation of technologies such as artificial intelligence and Big Data can reduce electricity consumption by up to 20% and significantly reduce equipment maintenance costs, which represents a great advance in terms of of sustainability.

Julien Brin, Marketing director Colombia and Design Lab Manager Andeans at Centelsa by Nexans, explained that “in the near future, electrical networks will be integrated into artificial intelligence, big data and internet of things systems. This will allow us to anticipate different situations, such as equipment failure or changes in electricity demand and thus adjust the supply, which implies savings in terms of energy and also economics”.

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Electricity 4.0: Energy savings thanks to artificial intelligence and Big Data

Electricity 4.0 and AI drive energy efficiency

The adaptation of technologies such as artificial intelligence and Big Data have several positive impacts, including for companies, according to the Brazilian Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) . Among them are the decrease in energy consumption (up to 20%) and lower equipment maintenance costs (between 10% and 40%).

“One of the important activities in the electrification field is the monitoring of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and use networks. The data is obtained through sensors that measure electrical activity throughout the value chain. While Big Data provides the data storage and processing capabilities, artificial intelligence feeds on that information to establish learning patterns,” Brin said.

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With electricity 4.0, greater energy efficiency is achieved

Monitoring and analysis of data for greater energy efficiency with electricity 4.0

In the field of electrification, one of the essential activities is the monitoring of electricity generation, transmission, distribution and use networks. The data is obtained through sensors that measure electrical activity throughout the value chain. While Big Data provides data storage and processing capabilities, artificial intelligence feeds on said information to establish learning patterns.

Electricity 4.0 is also paving the way for a more environmentally friendly world, as it is easily integrated with renewable energy sources, allowing for better energy efficiency and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

The population increase in Colombia and throughout the world leads to an increase in energy demand, which represents a great challenge for countries where the increased demand has led a large part of the electrical system to an extreme situation, and requires not only its expansion, but also its renewal. That is why the use of new technologies and cutting-edge initiatives such as electricity 4.0 is crucial to improve the quality of electrical energy and achieve a more efficient and sustainable consumption of energy.

Source : https://technocio.com/inteligencia-artificial-y-big-data-pueden-reducir-hasta-un-20-consumo-de-energia-electrica/

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