Electrical works inaugurated in Peru that will benefit 190,000 people

Inspenet, July 1, 2023. A new electrical work is added to the list! This is the 60KV Poechos – Las Lomas – Quiroz Transmission line and associated Substations in Piura, an important milestone in terms of electrical works for the region.
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Inspenet, July 1, 2023.

A new electrical work is added to the list! This is the 60KV Poechos – Las Lomas – Quiroz Transmission line and associated Substations in Piura, an important milestone in terms of electrical works for the region. The project, which was developed by the public company Enosa with an investment of more than S/ 27 million and financed by the General Directorate of Rural Electrification (DGER) of MINEM, will benefit 190,000 residents of the provinces of Ayabaca, Piura and Sullana .

The line will improve the reliability and quality of power supply in these provinces, which are home to a number of important agricultural and industrial activities. It will also help reduce the number of power outages, which have been a major problem in the region in recent years.

In addition to the economic benefits, this electrical work will also have a positive impact on the environment . The new line will use more efficient technologies, which will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The inauguration of the line is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the people involved in the project and represents a great success for the people of Piura and the country.

Advantages and benefits that this electrical work will bring

The following are some of the main benefits of this electrical work:

  • Improved reliability and quality of electricity supply.
  • Reduced number of power outages.
  • Increased economic activity.
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The future of electricity in Peru

The electricity sector in Peru faces a number of challenges, as the country is highly dependent on hydroelectric power, but water levels in reservoirs are declining due to climate change. This has caused a decrease in hydroelectric generation, forcing the country to rely more on thermal power plants, which are more expensive and polluting.

The lack of efficient generation is another challenge facing the electricity sector in Peru. The country has a limited number of non-conventional renewable plants such as wind and solar, which are the cheapest forms of generation. These are prevented from participating in the tenders of the regulated market, which serves households and small and medium-sized companies, which means that they cannot compete with the more expensive thermal plants.

The restrictions in the legislation are also inconvenient when carrying out any electrical work, since the current legislation prevents the development of new transmission lines, which is essential for the integration of renewable energies in the network. This is because the law requires new transmission lines to be built by the state power company, which is unable to meet demand.

Despite everything, the Ministry of Energy and Mines is working to develop a new regulatory framework that allows the development of electrical works such as non-conventional renewable plants and their integration into the grid. The government is also concentrating its efforts to build new transmission lines.

Source: https://www.rumbominero.com/peru/minem-obra-electrica-piura/