Eddyfi Technologies: Your One-Stop PAUT Shop

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Eddyfi Technologies Your One-Stop PAUT Shop

Textual note taken from Eddyfi Technologies on February 29, 2024

Eddyfi Technologies solidified its position as the foremost authority in advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) solutions with the recent acquisition of Sensor Networks, Inc. The strategic integration has transformed Eddyfi Technologies into the ultimate one-stop destination for all things related to phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT), as can be found online at the Eddyfi eStore.

With an unwavering commitment to excellence, Eddyfi Technologies stands as the trusted partner for all PAUT needs, offering a comprehensive solution that spans from state-of-the-art probes to advanced data acquisition and analysis units, along with scanners. This expansion comes with decades of experience, positioning the company at the forefront of NDT technology, and the newly enhanced inspection solutions are expertly designed to meet the highest quality and reliability standards.

The key highlights of Eddyfi Technologies’ expanded PAUT offering include a range of comprehensive generic standard probes as well as application-specific solutions. The company also provides training and support services, ensuring that industry professionals have the knowledge and assistance needed to maximize the potential of their NDT capabilities. Free resources are available on the Eddyfi Academy.

Recognizing the challenges faced by professionals in sourcing PAUT equipment, Eddyfi Technologies has addressed issues of accessibility and efficiency. By stocking readily available, on-the-shelf items, the company aims to streamline the inspection process, reducing lead times and costs for industry players.

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Frédéric Laprise, VP, Center of Excellence – PAUT, expressed confidence in the transformation, stating, “Our integration with Sensor Networks, Inc. has transformed us into the go-to destination for comprehensive phased array ultrasonic testing solutions. We’re not just providing inspection equipment; we’re offering expertise, support, and a game-changing approach to NDT.”

Eddyfi Technologies is not just dedicated to offering equipment; it is committed to providing complete PAUT solutions that are accessible, efficient, and cost-effective. Visit eddyfi.com learn more.

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Source: Eddyfi Technologies

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