Eddyfi Technologies offers the most advanced inspection technologies in the world

By: Inspenet, December 12, 2022. Eddyfi Technologies offers the world's most advanced inspection technologies and robotic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) solutions, helping OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) asset owners and service companies improve productivity, save lives and protect the environment.
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By: Inspenet, Dec 12, 2022

Eddyfi Technologies offers the world’s most advanced inspection technologies and robotic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) solutions, helping OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) asset owners and service companies improve productivity, save lives and protect the environment.

Eddyfi offers various products and devices, among which is the RMS, an automated remote access Ultrasonic scanner (UT) for Non-Destructive Testing. With multiple configuration options, the RMS is capable of high speed phased array corrosion (PAUT) mapping, high temperature corrosion mapping, and weld inspection using PAUT and ToFD probes.

Automated corrosion mapping has become an integral part of NDT inspection campaigns and is widely accepted within integrity management programs and written examination schemes. However, to optimize productivity, corrosion mapping systems have traditionally been established with relatively low resolution: data points every 3 to 5 mm (0.12 to 0.20 inches).

Powered by Phased Array UT technology, the RMS PA automated corrosion mapping system can help increase productivity, without sacrificing detection probability, thanks to 1 mm (0.040 inch) resolution. Mapping an area of 1000mm x 600mm in just 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Source and Photo : https://eddyfi.com/en/product/rms-pa-phased-array-corrosion-mapping

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