Ecopetrol and FAC launched the Chiribiquete satellite into space

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Inspenet, April 19, 2023

In a SpaceX company mission, the second Colombian Air Force satellite was sent into space. Thanks to Ecopetrol ‘s alliance with the Ministries of Science and Defense, the country succeeded in launching FAC SAT2 Chiribiquete.

The aircraft in which the Air Force has worked for the last two years took off at dawn on Saturday, April 15, from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, United States.

«Our satellite #FACSAT2 “Chiribiquete” is already in orbit! Relive the broadcast of the launch made from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in #California, #United States,” the FAC reported on Twitter.

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Thanks to Ecopetrol’s alliance with the Ministries of Science and Defense, the country managed to launch FAC SAT2 Chiribiquete. Photo : Twitter @FuerzaAereaCol

What will the Air Force satellite do?

Colombian technicians were part of the entire construction process of the satellite, which will observe Colombian territory from space, and will also be in charge of identifying changes in the terrain, such as deforestation, ecosystems, and greenhouse gas emissions. Also, according to the Air Force, it will be a useful tool to combat illegal mining.

The satellite has an electro-optical camera (MultiScape 100 CIS), which allows a resolution of 4.7 meters per pixel. “It will ensure the country have updated and accurate information on what is happening instantly,” the entity said at the time.

On November 29, 2018, the Air Force launched FACSAT-1, its first satellite, into orbit. The maneuver was carried out on a rocket launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC) in Sriharikota, India.

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The satellite will be in charge of identifying deforestation, ecosystems and greenhouse gas emissions.


Photo : Twitter @FuerzaAereaCol

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