Don’t miss the second part of the Tech Talking program on Project Management Offices

Inspenet, the knowledge and professional connection network, invites you to watch the second part of the special Tech Talking program with Leonardo Reyes, CEO founder of the PMO Officers brand, accompanied by Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet, this Wednesday, May 22. June 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Colombia.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 20, 2022

Inspenet, the knowledge and professional connection network, invites you to watch the second part of the special Tech Talking program with Leonardo Reyes, CEO & founder of the PMO Officers brand, accompanied by Francesco Solari, CEO of Inspenet, this Wednesday, May 22. June 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Colombia.

Reyes is a university professor, with a post-graduate and master’s degree, with extensive experience in various sectors, mainly in Project Management as PMOfficer (Portfolio/Program/Project Manager) and SMO (Service Manager). He has been certified PMO, an active member of the PMO Global Alliance and PMI (Project Management Institute) and was the first Certified Project Office Management Consultant (PMO-CC) in SPAIN of the @PMO Global Alliance.

In this second part of the program, Reyes will continue to share his knowledge and experiences on everything related to the functions, importance and implementation of the PMO (Project Management Office), and the need to establish it in any project or organization and even in educational systems. .

“The role of the project manager has evolved, he has to guide, facilitate, review, audit, he has to do mentoring, coaching, if we are more veterans, for younger people, we have to put ourselves in the role of managers, if I If I were the director of the company, what would I do? Not just what I do, because it is also important to make the directors see that they put themselves in our position,” explained Reyes.

We invite you to enjoy this special interview, where you can ask questions and make comments, this Wednesday the 22nd at 6:00 p.m. (Houston / Colombia time) on Inspenet TV: and also on through our social networks:





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