Do you want to pursue a career with a unique profile? University opened career in Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

Inspenet, April 7, 2023 The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Montevideo celebrated the launch of the Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (ID+AI) career. A career with a unique profile.
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Inspenet, April 7, 2023

The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Montevideo celebrated the launch of the Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (ID+AI) career. A career with a unique profile.

With the advance of digital transformation, the demand for profiles related to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence is growing year by year. Focused on a solid theoretical-practical training, in 2024 the Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (ID+AI) career will begin, under the direction of Dr. Ing. Pablo Fleurquin, expert in Data Science.

The academic program will integrate the most current technical tools related to Data Science, Data Engineering and AI, combined with a solid integral formation of the person, thanks to the inclusion of humanistic, management and professional ethics subjects.

“These courses will help to train complete professionals, that is, with great integrity, who understand the ethical considerations when processing data, to help organizations make the most favorable decisions for themselves and society as a whole,” explained the director. of Admissions of the University, María José Frontini.

As explained by Fleurquin and the teaching team of the academic proposal, the graduate of the new career will be able to design, implement and maintain architectures, databases and large-scale data processing systems that provide the greatest possible benefit for decision-making. of decisions.

Likewise, it will be able to improve the quality, completeness and reliability of the information. In addition, you will have training in security and confidentiality of information. Another important aspect of the graduate’s profile will be their ability to use Machine Learning techniques to create and maintain structures that enable automatic decision-making based on the information available. Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence is a career that is constantly updated thanks to the fact that it includes elective subjects, through which specific topics are addressed.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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