DJI FlyCart 30 drone transported garbage and equipment on Mt. Everest

The DJI FlyCart 30 can carry 15 kg of payload between Everest camps in just 12 minutes.

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DJI FlyCart 30

The civilian drone and camera technology company DJI, managed to complete the transfer of equipment and garbage between Everest base camp and camp 1 using its DJI FlyCart 30 drone. To conduct these tests, DJI collaborated with video production company 8KRAW and experienced Nepalese mountain guide Mingma Gyalje Sherpa.

DJI FlyCart 30 on Everest

Since its launch in January of this year, the DJI FlyCart 30 has proven to be a practical solution for the specific solution for the specific needs and challenges of high altitude areas. Its implementation promises to increase safety and efficiency in these complex environments and offers various applications for assistance at extreme heights.

Importantly, the DJI FlyCart 30 has shown its ability to carry up to 15 kg of payload in the harsh conditions of Everest. During the tests, the drone carried three oxygen cylinders and 1.5 kg of additional supplies from base camp to Camp 1 and on the return trip, it carried accumulated garbage.

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The tests were conducted in extreme conditions with temperatures ranging from -15º to 5°C, winds of up to 15 meters per second and an altitude of over 6,000 meters. In addition, stationary flight, wind resistance and load capacity in low temperature conditions were tested. You can see the drone in action in the following video.


The tests were conducted under extreme conditions. Source: DJI

Relief for Sherpas with DJI drone

The responsibility for carrying supplies and cleaning up garbage on Everest has always fallen to local Sherpa guides. These workers must cross the dangerous Khumbu Icefall multiple times during the season to carry oxygen, gas, tents, food and ropes. An average Sherpa needs between 6 and 8 hours to cross the icefall, facing deadly risks.

The use of the DJI FlyCart 30 promises to significantly ease the burden on the Sherpas. Capable of transporting 15 kg between camps in just 12 minutes, day or night, this drone greatly reduces the number of trips required through the dangerous icefall. In addition, the FlyCart 30 facilitates the efficient transport of garbage and human waste, helping to keep Everest cleaner and safer.

The success of the DJI FlyCart 30 on Everest opens the door to new possibilities for the use of drones in high altitude mountains and inhospitable regions of the world. This breakthrough could transform the logistics of rescue and supply operations in difficult-to-access areas, improving safety and efficiency in mountain missions.

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Source and photo: dji

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