They will dismantle an underwater infrastructure in Brazil

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Inspenet, December 24, 2023.

The infrastructure is located in deep waters of Brazil

A few months ago, Subsea 7 secured a significant contract with Shell to carry out the decommissioning of the subsea infrastructure associated with the Fluminense FPSO, located in deep waters off the coast of Brazil, in the Bijupirá and Salema fields of the Campos Basin , at a depth of 700 meters.

The FPSO, supplied by MODEC, began oil production in August 2003.

The scope of Subsea 7’s activities encompasses the disconnection, recovery and disposal of 10 flexible risers, three umbilicals and nine mooring lines. Offshore work is expected to begin in the coming days.

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In this context, Yann Cottart, vice president of Subsea7, said: “Twenty years ago, Subsea7 installed the flexibles and umbilicals for Shell’s Bijupirá and Salema fields and two decades later we are proud to be one of the contractors chosen by Shell to participate in the completion of the life cycle of this field”.

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