Byzantine gold coins of Justinian discovered in Bulgaria

The coins were so valuable in their day that a single specimen of them could pay a Byzantine soldier's several days' wages.
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A group of archaeologists have made an astonishing discovery in northern Bulgaria, specifically in the village of Debnevo, by finding five gold coins from the 6th century. These coins, minted during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Great, were found on the floor of a medieval house that was devastated by fire centuries ago.

Archaeological find reveals gold coins

The find, which has caught the attention of archaeological experts, shows that the coins are approximately 1,500 years old. Although the house in which they were found belongs to the 10th century, it is believed that the coins were buried on the site during the construction process and that the medieval inhabitants kept them due to their value as gold.

During the excavations, other objects such as iron tools, ceramic vessels and bronze rings were discovered. However, the gold coins, known as tremissishave generated great interest due to their excellent state of preservation. These coins show the image of Justinian with a diadem on the obverse and the goddess Victory on the reverse.


Gold coins from the time of Justinian the Great in northern Bulgaria. Source: Wonderful World

Debnevo is a settlement of great archaeological value, with remains dating back to the 5th century B.C. Researchers believe that the occupants of the medieval house may have unearthed these Byzantine coins during the construction of the house and kept them for their value. Two of the coins even showed signs of having been melted down in the fire that destroyed the house.

This discovery continues to reinforce the historical and cultural importance of the Debnevo area, a region that has revealed significant archaeological remains since the start of excavations in 2019.

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Source and photo: Interest Ingengineering

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