Chinese scientists invent direct seawater electrolysis with floating platforms

The most striking feature of the study is the ability of the floating platform to effectively electrolyze seawater.
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electrólisis directa del agua de mar

A team of researchers has developed a floating platform that allows direct electrolysis of seawater. This development, described in a recent study, addresses hydrogen production in the ocean. hydrogen production in the oceaneven under the uncontrollable motion of waves.

The study highlights how process variables correlate during seawater electrolysis. Despite the fluctuations and challenges presented by the marine environment, the system has proven to be efficient. Researchers have designed and evaluated the floating platform specifically to operate under fluctuating ocean conditions.

Successful testing of floating platform

To ensure the success of the system, the researchers conducted extensive testing, including laboratory water migration tests and platform simulations. In addition, offshore tests were carried out in Xinghua Bay, allowing the actual performance of the platform to be evaluated in an operational environment.

This development has the potential to transform hydrogen hydrogen productionThe development has the potential to transform hydrogen production, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for obtaining this vital resource. Future prospects point to wider adoption of this technology, with the possibility of deployment in various ocean locations around the world.

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Direct electrolysis of seawater for hydrogen

The on-site seawater electrolysis system with a floating platform could revolutionize the way hydrogen is produced, making this energy source more accessible and environmentally friendly. This breakthrough underscores the company’s ongoing commitment to innovation in clean and sustainable technologies.

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Source and photo: Nature

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