DIAPSA celebrates 20 years of innovation and entrepreneurship

Inspenet, June 12, 2023 The prestigious Mexican company DIAPSA, reached its 20th anniversary, an occasion to celebrate and value the work and dedication provided to the industry during these years. Talking about DIAPSA is talking about innovation and entrepreneurship, two decades full of advances and challenges, we review the history of that great dream that one day the founders of the company had.
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Inspenet, June 12, 2023

The prestigious Mexican company DIAPSA , reached its 20th anniversary, an occasion to celebrate and appreciate the work and dedication provided to the industry during these years. Talking about DIAPSA is talking about innovation and entrepreneurship, two decades full of advances and challenges, we review the history of that great dream that one day the founders of the company had.

DIAPSA: A story full of progress and challenges

At the end of the 90’s, Engineer Jorge Alberto Rodríguez Medrano together with his son Jorge Rodríguez Mancha planned to carry out specialized work in predictive maintenance, this as a result of a series of training sessions on the subject.

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Engineer Jorge Alberto Rodríguez Medrano together with his son Jorge Rodríguez Mancha, came together to create DIAPSA

The continuous growth of the activities prompted the creation of Diagnosis and Predictive Consulting DIAPSA in 2003 as a company, being on June 12 of that same year when he saw his dream come true, both originally from Nueva Rosita, Coahuila, Mexico, coming from families with a lot of work in the coal mines, with the example of study and improvement, which motivated Jorge Rodríguez Mancha to seek his future studying at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the UANL in Monterrey Nuevo León, acquiring the professional bases of the career of Mechanical Engineer Administrator.

The ENG. Mancha, built his career in the maintenance area with a great administrative focus and it was not until 1997 that he began his preparation in what would soon be his passion: condition monitoring with a main specialty in the predictive tool of infrared thermography.

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His beginnings in the private industry of predictive service led him to identify the great need of the industry for the care of its equipment, operational security and reliability, not only in Mexico but in Latin America, it was then, when he told his dreams with his father and together they saw the possibility of seeing DIAPSA born.

Now, Jorge Mancha, takes a mental tour of those beginnings and reviewing the trajectory of the company in these 20 years, he realizes the great impact that the implementation of predictive strategies has had in the industry, which, although they are not quantified in the Most of the time, it does have a very impressive result by reducing the risk of equipment failure, but why isn’t it quantified? Because “nobody remembers maintenance personnel until a piece of equipment fails.”

A great satisfaction of DIAPSA through its founders and its specialists is to have generated a culture of prevention, efficient maintenance and operational reliability through the analysis and diagnosis of equipment with predictive tools, that will be the most important legacy that you want to leave in the company.

At DIAPSA, they are constantly innovating in predictive methodologies, in the search and support of technology to increase culture and service in the industry, but with a very important root left behind by its founder Jorge Rodríguez Medrano: values ​​such as humility, kindness, trust, service and above all dedication to what is done, that is in DIAPSA’s blood and is deeply rooted in its processes and procedures.

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DIAPSA supports communities

DIAPSA, as an alternative to its professional and operational development, has supported communities in need and local athletes through its DIAPSA JÓVENES Foundation, printing the values ​​that its founder bequeathed.

In addition to providing services and solutions to companies, Engineer Jorge Mancha since 2013 took actions to prepare professionals in the predictive area, nationally and internationally with the support of allies in different countries such as: Peru, Spain, Dominican Republic , Panama, Ecuador, Chile, Uruguay and Argentina.

With the dedication that characterizes him, he has managed to position himself in an important way with his style, methodology and, above all, with his passion for what he does; something very particular in it is the desire that all specialists know the reality of monitoring and thermography, preparing their students for certification.

DIAPSA has evolved and grown along with the changes in the globalized world, this has led it to insert itself into technological development, putting its initiative and supporting progress in productivity and safety through its monitoring services.

The company also has a generational evolution, where, now, the third of the Jorges in a direct line, Jorge Rodríguez Ibarra, is taking the technical and administrative reins of the company.

In addition, it has increased its presence in Mexico, with the development of services in most of the 32 states of the Mexican Republic and placing offices in Villahermosa Tabasco (since 2009) and Mérida Yucatán (since 2017), as well as expanding, thanks to its allies services internationally.

At DIAPSA, these 20 years are only a step to go for another 20 more, always leaving the mark that was implanted by its founders. DIAPSA is and will be a family business, proudly Nueva Rositense but with a global vision.

Source and Photos : DIAPSA

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