PROSOLAR BIRDS, a Barcelona-based company, has introduced an eco-friendly solution to protect solar panels from damage caused by bird droppings. This problem that affects the efficiency of the panels , reducing both their productive capacity and their durability, can now be mitigated thanks to the new rotating device called PSB.
Rotating solar panel protection device
This system, which does not require a motor, is activated by a light breeze and maintains constant movement to prevent birds from landing on the panels . Made with resistant and recyclable materials such as polyamide 6-6 UV, anodized aluminum, acetate resin, bronze and stainless steel, the PSB stands out for its durability and its adaptability to different climatic conditions.
One of the standout features of the PSB is its ability to cover up to eight standard solar panels with a single unit , facilitating quick installation that does not compromise the integrity of existing solar panels. This efficiency is vital, as bird droppings can significantly reduce solar energy production, by up to 45% according to some studies, and can cause permanent damage resulting in costly repairs or replacements.
The device not only represents an improvement in the sustainability and efficiency of solar panels, but also offers a positive economic impact by preventing premature deterioration and the costs associated with cleaning and maintenance of the panels. In addition, PSB is friendly to birds, avoiding causing harm to them, which is crucial to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance in the areas where these panels are installed.
Beyond its practical usefulness, the PROSOLAR BIRDS PSB is an excellent example of how technological innovation can contribute to the solution of specific problems in the renewable energy industry.
These types of innovations underline the importance of developing technologies that are not only efficient but also respectful of the environment and wildlife. In the future, it would be interesting to see how this type of technology can be adapted and used to protect other forms of energy infrastructure or even be integrated directly into the design of new solar panels.
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