Data engineering and ‘cloud’: the most demanded emerging professions

Inspenet, April 18, 2023 Data engineering and cloud engineering professionals have been the most in demand in 2022 out of a list of 61 jobs classified as "emerging", with 1,527 and 1,324 new jobs, respectively, according to the report 'X-ray of Emerging Jobs in Spain', published by the Spanish Association for Digitization (DigitalES).
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Inspenet, April 18, 2023

Data engineering and cloud engineering professionals have been the most in demand in 2022 out of a list of 61 jobs classified as “emerging”, with 1,527 and 1,324 new jobs, respectively, according to the report ‘X-ray of Emerging Jobs in Spain’, published by the Spanish Association for Digitization (DigitalES).

The technological organization includes in this classification the jobs whose demand has more than tripled in the last three years, adding a total of 11,500 new jobs that are concentrated in the technology sector and its application to data, marketing and sales.

In the engineering sector, the rebound in employment in the segments related to sustainability and the circular economy has stood out, while the emerging positions in the legal sector have focused on ‘compliance’ and data protection and, in the health sector, in biostatistics and bioinformatics.

The profession that has registered the greatest increase in demand for employment between 2019 and 2022 has been machine learning engineering, which has multiplied its demand by six, with 297 new jobs in the last year.

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Data engineering and ‘cloud’: the emerging professions most in demand, according to the Spanish Association for Digitalization (DigitalES)

“We live in a change of era where several factors come together: technological progress and connectivity, population aging and climate change. And for all these great vectors, the answer lies in innovation”, explained the general director of DigitalES, Victor Calvo-Sotelo.

On the other hand, during the conference organized by DigitalES to present this report, the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas, highlighted that employment related to digitalization and new technologies represents 19% of new registrations with Security Social registered since January.

“Our data shows that there is four times more demand for qualified jobs than available supply,” Artigas pointed out, to which the CEO of Adevinta Spain, Román Campa, responded by pointing out the need to improve training and talent management.

Along the same lines, the general managing partner of NTT Data and leader of the ‘Digital Work and Employment’ line of work at DigitalES, Javier Rodríguez, has underlined the importance of having varied profiles in companies, trusting that this diversity “It will help the humanization of technology.”

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