Could robots replace us? Experts say that AI will affect eight out of ten jobs

Inspenet, June 22, 2023. The latest generation robots are capable of seeing, hearing, interpreting orders and gestures. AI is revolutionizing all areas and as expected, the issue arouses concern regarding the loss of jobs.

Inspenet, June 22, 2023.

The latest generation robots are capable of seeing, hearing, interpreting orders and gestures. AI is revolutionizing all areas and as expected, the issue arouses concern regarding the loss of jobs.

Many experts say that more than a substitution, there will be an adaptation, since jobs will be coupled to existing technologies and innovations, as has been the case for years where robotics has been introduced in places where people work manually. Likewise, numerous companies have automated and robotized their systems and this, in general, has not meant a loss of employment.

According to Goldman Sachs, AI will affect 8 out of 10 jobs in the world in the coming years, which is equivalent to about 300 million in total. They express that some will disappear and many others will be degraded.

Who can’t be replaced by robots?

Until now, physical jobs are the ones that are exempt from this technological revolution that involves the implantation of robots with artificial intelligence. On the contrary, routine jobs based on the collection and analysis of data and information will be in danger, including lawyers and journalists.

The lawyer Elen Irizabal points out that “although some careers disappear, others related to AI and technology will be created.” This legal professional has written a book called Artificial Intelligence Explained for Lawyers, where he explains how to use AI and also highlights that one of the advantages is that lawyers will no longer spend so much time producing information and other routine activities, but instead can dedicate themselves to activities of greater value, such as Contact and interaction with customers.

Another of the fields where AI has arrived is human resources, where different models are used for personnel selection. An example is the robot used by the company LKS-NETX, which records the voice, analyzes up to 40 minutes of conversation and draws its own conclusions, taking into account the vocabulary and syntax used by applicants. However, he has been programmed by top management not to make any decisions regarding the selection.

For its part, the world of education is no exception in this case, since it is no secret to anyone that students know the tools very well and take advantage of teachers, who have mostly prohibited their use driven by the fear that They feel that students lose their ability to analyze and that there is no genuine learning process.

Is AI an opportunity or a threat? This is the question many are asking right now.
