Corrosion experts give us their impressions from the AMPP 2022 conference

By: Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 8, 2022. Inspenet, the network of knowledge and professional connection continues at the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) Annual Conference and Exhibition 2022, with exclusive interviews with the speakers and presenting all the news.
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By : Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 8, 2022.

Inspenet, the network of knowledge and professional connection continues at the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) Annual Conference and Exhibition 2022, with exclusive interviews with the speakers and presenting all the news.

For Dr. Carlos Palacios, specialist in corrosion and mechanical integrity, NACE Felow 2019 and NACE International certified as Chemical Treatment Specialist and Internal Corrosion Specialist, this year’s conference is a success: “We have quite a few registered, remember that AMPP is the union of NACE International and the SSPC, and the expectation is always to learn, in the world of corrosion there is no single solution, you have to be looking for it, it has to do with the exchange of experiences and networking. That is why this type of conference is vital to be able to understand the mechanisms of corrosion and the control methods to avoid it”, explained Palacios.

For his part, Eng. José Sirera, Senior Manager AMPP explains about the perspectives of the event: “There was an expectation of how this would be, but we see all the happy people, our clients and members, we have had positive feedback, people who tell us how good it is see us again.”

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On the other hand, Dr. Leonardo Uller, CEO of SURPLUS, NACE Fellow, member of the Board of Directors of NACE INTERNATIONAL, founder and trustee of the Brazil Section of NACE, is amazed by the reception of the conference: “For us it was a surprise, we have more than 4 thousand people attending, we have more than 360 companies in the exhibition, that means that after 2 years we are willing to do something, discuss new technologies, do business”.

Today Tuesday, 192 activities are scheduled, highlighting the conferences: Technological advances in protective coatings by Benjamin Chang and Matt Dabiri, Measurement of the chemical composition of steel pipes using Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy (LIBS) with Brian Wilson Geothermal Scaling and Corrosion by Sigrun Karlsdottir and Keith Lichti, in addition to the symposium Alkali Carbonate Stress Corrosion Mitigation by Oussama Zenasni, Philip Thornthwaite, John Scholz and María Márquez.

You can see today’s full schedule here:

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