Conclusions of the Naturgas 2023 Congress continue to resonate in the energy industry

Inspenet, June 14, 2023 During the successful Naturgas Congress in Barranquilla, effective decarbonization of the economy and guaranteed gas supply were emphasized as key issues. The need for public policies to obtain effective results was highlighted.
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Inspenet, June 14, 2023

During the successful Naturgas 2023 Congress in Barranquilla, effective decarbonization of the economy and guaranteed gas supply were emphasized as key issues. The need for public policies to obtain effective results was highlighted.

Colombia has managed to generate 18.8 GW of energy favorably and seeks to optimize consumption and ensure neutral and non-polluting energy generation.

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Conclusions of the Naturgas 2023 Congress continue to resonate in the energy industry

The conclusions of the congress highlighted the importance of energy security and the transition towards cleaner energy, always ensuring security and coverage.

Significant changes were observed in the congress, such as the creation of women’s networking crews and a proactive attitude in the management of energy projects and their relationship with neighboring communities.

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Naturgas Congress 2023 leaves a lasting mark

Colombia stands out compared to Europe, as it has abundant gas reserves that guarantee a timely supply with low emissions, unlike the dependence on expensive imports on the European continent.

Vehicular mobility was another important topic, with a focus on clean energy technologies and a smooth transition. The goal of incorporating 4,000 new gas-powered public transport vehicles was established to modernize the vehicle fleet, with an investment of $400 billion in incentives.

Electric mobility, biogas and biomass were also highlighted as key contributions to achieving decarbonisation and reducing CO 2 emissions from transport.

Regarding the future of the energy basket, it was recognized that gas and biomass will play a fundamental role, and the importance of new energy sources, such as lithium, was emphasized.

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Remembering the highlights of the Naturgas Congress 2023

The need for public policies that promote a smooth transition was highlighted, with incentives such as favorable tolls for new technologies and special prices for the use of gas in transportation. Colombia was recognized as a worldwide success story in the use of gas at lower costs, and it was urged to take advantage of this historic opportunity to increase the exploration of new gas sources.

The Naturgas Congress highlighted the importance of decarbonization and gas supply, as well as the development of public policies and clean technologies for a successful energy transition. Colombia is positioned as an example to follow in the efficient and sustainable use of gas, with the aim of building a cleaner energy future.

Source: Naturgas Congress 2023

Photos : Naturgas

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