Colombia aspires to establish policies to export green hydrogen

By: Inspenet, December 13, 2022. Colombia begins the first binational dialogue with Germany to establish a reindustrialization policy based on renewable energy and the development of the green hydrogen sector.
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By: Inspenet, Dec 13, 2022

Colombia begins the first binational dialogue with Germany to establish a reindustrialization policy based on renewable energy and the development of the green hydrogen sector.

It is expected that the joint work will allow Germany to be involved in the energy transition and in the decarbonization of the Colombian economy, so that the country can be an exporter of clean energy, and that Germany decarbonizes itself.

At the binational meeting, the ministries of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Mines and Energy, and Foreign Affairs of Colombia were present. As well as the Embassy of Colombia in Germany and the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI for its acronym in German).

The destination of the economic resources will focus on three areas: technological development, technical capabilities and infrastructure, through joint work between the Colombian and German industries in order to access the financing funds offered by the German nation.

The Minister of Commerce, Germán Umaña, indicated that it is time to strengthen and deepen bilateral ties with the European country and its energy sector, with the aim of advancing in the energy transition sought by the Government of Colombia.

“Colombia has an optimal combination of abundant resources, excellent potential for solar and wind farms, and access to water, as well as the ability to export to countries with great energy demand such as Germany,” said the minister. And he added that the purpose is for Colombia to be an exporter of clean energy, producing large volumes of green hydrogen and the corresponding derivatives, such as methanol and ammonia.

Source : %C3% AD-avanza-colombia-para-exportar-hidr %C3% B3geno-verde/ar-AA156Mum?li=AAggxB4

Photo: ShutterStock

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