Clean Energy Fuels increases LNG production capacity at California Plant

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Anuncio de aumento de la producción de GNL mas limpia en Clean Energy

Clean Energy Fuels has completed construction of a third LNG production train at its main plant in Boron, California. This new development increases the plant’s production capacity by 50%, now allowing for the daily production of up to 270,000 gallons of cleaner-burning LNG.

Increased production of cleaner LNG

With the addition of the third production train, Clean Energy is poised to respond to growing demand for bulk LNG, driven by customers looking to decarbonize large vehicle fleets, from city buses to large container ships.

Clean Energy’s main customers include Pasha Hawaii. It currently operates three LNG-powered container ships in the ports of Long Beach, Oakland and Honolulu. Since the commissioning of Pasha Hawaii’s first LNG-powered vessel in August 2022, fuel consumption has experienced exponential growth, reaching more than 2 million gallons of LNG by April 2024.

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The use of LNG improves air quality in ports, which traditionally have high levels of pollution, while enabling Pasha Hawaii’s ships to exceed International Maritime Organization(IMO) standards for sulfur emissions by 2030. In addition, Pasha’s LNG carriers achieve a 90% reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions and a 25% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

Greg Roche, vice president of Clean Energy, highlighted Pasha Hawaii’s leadership in sustainable shipping with the addition of its third LNG-powered vessel. Roche noted that this fleet expansion reduces pollution and carbon emissions at the ports. And it also demonstrates the effectiveness of LNG as a viable alternative to traditional fossil fuels. The increased production capacity at the Boron plant will enable more customers to decarbonize their operations.


The scope and potential of LNG. Source: Clean Energy

The Pasha Group’s President and CEO, George Pasha IV, reaffirmed the company’s commitment to clean operations through the use of innovative technologies. Pasha expressed pride in the continued partnership with Clean Energy for the efficient supply of its LNG-powered container vessels.

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Source and photo: Clean Energy

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