Civil Engineering will be the new career that the Tecnológico de Delicias will teach

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Inspenet, April 26, 2023

The Technological Institute of Delicias in Mexico, will expand its educational offer with the opening of the civil engineering career, starting in 2024, which would be taught for the first time in this city, this after a feasibility study carried out by the academic staff of the institution.

Next year the new career will be released and classrooms are being built on the campus to house the students who will study civil engineering. Once the feasibility study was completed, a request was submitted in Mexico City to the general management, which approved the project.

1713 ingenieria civil carrera interna
Tecnológico de Delicias will teach a new career: Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering will start classes in January 2024

It is estimated that the first classes will begin in the semester of January – June 2024, while progress is being made in the construction of the new building that will serve the growing student enrollment and steps are taken to acquire the necessary equipment for engineering workshops and laboratories. civil.

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Also, the teaching staff that will be in charge of teaching the subjects of the career has been reviewed, pointing out that the study plan has already been prepared. To hire the teaching staff, contact was made with the College of Architects and Civil Engineers of Delicias, with which an agreement was signed. In addition, the Technological Institute has maintained communication with other engineers in the region, who could support by teaching some specialized subjects.

It is worth noting that the Technological Institute of Delicias is the only one in the entire state of Chihuahua that will offer a career in civil engineering, which in turn will benefit families in the region, who send their children to study this profession at the state capital.

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Photo : Freepik / Envatos

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