Chinese satellite disintegrates and loses valuable data

Isbel Lázaro.
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Inspenet, September 25, 2023.

The Galactic Energy company’s CERES-1 rocket experienced a setback in its history of successful launches (which included nine consecutive ones) when it failed to launch a high-resolution imaging satellite into orbit. This situation could have implications for the Chinese space program and the development of the Jilin-1 Earth observation network.

The incident took place last Thursday at the Jiuquan launch base, located in the west of the country, due to “abnormal behavior during the flight,” as reported by the company through its official account on the WeChat social network, although No additional details about what happened were provided.

For its part, the South China Morning Post newspaper reported having obtained a video in which the rocket is seen emitting at least two flames before ascending and disappearing into the clouds, which shows the problem during the launch.

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Implications of the disintegrated satellite

The unsuccessful launch represents a setback in China’s plans to establish a constellation of more than 300 satellites for commercial Earth observation by 2025.

Recently, Galactic Energy achieved a milestone by becoming the first Chinese private company to conduct a successful rocket launch from the sea. Using the CERES-1 rocket, powered by solid fuel engines, the company has managed to put more than 30 satellites into orbit.

Over the past decade, Beijing has made significant investments in its space program, achieving notable achievements such as the successful landing of a probe on the far side of the Moon in January 2019, a milestone that no other country had achieved up to that point, and building your own space station.


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