They launch a rocket from a maritime platform in China (Video)

Inspenet, January 17, 2024. The Chinese company Orienspace successfully launched its first heavy commercial rocket from a marine platform. Orienspace carried out the launch of its Gravity-1 rocket from the deck of a specially adapted heavy lift ship in the Yellow Sea last Thursday.
Isbel Lázaro.
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The Chinese company Orienspace successfully launched its first heavy commercial rocket from a marine platform. Orienspace carried out the launch of its Gravity-1 rocket from the deck of a specially adapted heavy lift ship in the Yellow Sea last Thursday. The process was successful and the rocket smoothly deployed its payload of three commercial satellites , the company announced.


About the Chinese Gravity-1 rocket

Gravity-1 has become China’s most powerful commercial space launch rocket, with the ability to carry approximately seven tons of equipment to low-Earth orbit . In addition, it has set a new record as the most powerful solid-fuel carrier rocket in the world.

Orienspace is already focused on developing larger, heavier liquid-fueled rockets with higher payload capabilities. The future Gravity-2 and Gravity-3 will have low-Earth orbit payload capacities of around 25 and 30 tons, respectively.

Notably, China has previously used ships as launch platforms, such as the De Bo 3, which served for the government-built Long March series of rockets. This concept was used for several years by Sea-Launch, a collaboration between space companies from Norway, Russia, Ukraine and the United States.

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Video: VideoFromSpace

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