Chinese factories stop producing ceramics to make lithium briquettes

By: Inspenet, November 9, 2022. China's factories have stopped producing the traditional ceramics, to supply the battery material for electric vehicles.
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By: Inspenet, November 9, 2022

China’s factories have stopped producing the traditional ceramics, to supply the battery material for electric vehicles.

According to Bloomberg, an example has occurred in the city of Gao’an in the Chinese province of Jiangxi. About 15% of the city’s plants have switched from producing their traditional products to making lithium briquettes.

Lithium briquettes can be processed into chemicals used in battery production. Ceramic factories in Gao’an take the slimy byproduct of chemical production from local lithium refineries and use it in their wares.

However, with battery metal prices trading at a record high, even refinery scrap has risen in value. That prompted companies to reprocess it into lithium-containing bricks and sell them to refiners as feedstock.

While the volume of lithium supply to be added from the converted ceramic lines will be limited. This reflects a change that illustrates the continued strength of demand in the world’s key hub for electric car batteries.

Another factor in the search for new sources of supply is that the material that is produced in Gao’an is derived from lepidolite. It is a lithium-bearing ore that is often overlooked as a lower quality metal source. And that ore is under new focus in battery supply chains.

Last Friday, prices per ton of lithium carbonate doubled since the beginning of the year in China and reached USD 81,349 per ton (587,500 yuan).

Source :

Photo : cnsphoto

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