Chinese company CNOOC completed the construction of the first remotely operated oil platform

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 15, 2022. China completed the construction of its first unmanned and remotely controlled oil platform, reported the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), executor of the project.
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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 15, 2022

China completed the construction of its first unmanned and remotely controlled oil platform, reported the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), executor of the project.

The company wrote on WeChat that the EP10-2 platform, installed in the Enping field in the South China Sea, will be used for oil and gas extraction.

Its maintenance will be cheaper than that of traditional platforms because —since it is managed by remote control— it will not need offices or infrastructure for workers.

For this reason, its dimensions and weight will also be smaller. Company representatives indicate that the new platform will be able to work in the most extreme weather conditions.

This material from the Mundo Sputnik News portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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Photo: CNOOC