China installs hypergravity machine for geological research

CHIEF continues to advance geotechnical engineering to create opportunities for marine research and natural resource exploration.
La máquina de hipergravedad

The Center for Interdisciplinary Hypergravity Experimentation ( CHIEF ) has launched the world’s most advanced hypergravity machine in Hangzhou, boosting research into forces thousands of times greater than Earth’s gravity.

CHIEF’s hypergravity machine

The project, overseen by Zhejiang University , aims to accelerate understanding of phenomena such as mountain rise and the collapse of critical infrastructure such as landslides and dams. Using extreme hypergravitational forces , scientists will be able to simulate and study complex geological events in a controlled space.

The plan was launched in 2018 by China’s National Development and Reform Commission and could have a positive impact on sectors such as energy and engineering. From structural problems to the use of energy reserves, CHIEF aims to be a pillar of scientific innovation.

CHIEF focuses on geotechnical engineering, and will open new doors to marine research and natural resource exploration. ” The first phase of commissioning is scheduled for this year ,” said the local government of Hangzhou, underlining the international relevance of this development.

With its advanced infrastructure and collaboration with experts from Zhejiang University , China is positioned at the forefront of hypergravity science. The implications could redefine how we understand and manage the Earth itself.

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Source: SCMP

Photo: Shutterstock