China officially launched the world’s fastest internet

Inspenet, November 17, 2023. Tsinghua University, in collaboration with companies such as China Mobile, Huawei Technologies, Cernet Corporation and 40 other universities, has established an intercity backbone network capable of transmitting data at a speed of 1.2 terabits per second.
internet más rápido del mundo

Inspenet, November 17, 2023.

The fastest internet in the world

Tsinghua University, in collaboration with companies such as China Mobile, Huawei Technologies, Cernet Corporation and 40 other universities, has established an intercity backbone network capable of transmitting data at a speed of 1.2 terabits per second . Known as China’s Future Internet Technology Infrastructure Plan (FITI), this project, which has been underway for a decade, was activated last July.

Although it was already in reliable operation and had passed all operational tests, it was officially presented at a press conference at Tsinghua University last Monday.

The network deployment covers a distance of approximately 3,000 km of fiber optic cabling. This achievement represents the world’s first next-generation Internet service , exceeding the speed of existing major routes by more than 10 times, which operate at 100 gigabits per second. By comparison, the United States recently completed the transition to its fifth-generation Internet2, reaching speeds of up to 400 gigabits per second.

Wu Jianping, FITI project leader of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, highlighted that the ultra-fast line was not only a successful operation, but also provides China with the advanced technology needed to build an even faster Internet. For his part, Wang Lei, vice president of Huawei Technologies, pointed out that the network has the capacity to transfer data equivalent to 150 high-definition movies in just one second .

It should be noted that 5G backbone networks play a crucial role in technological, industrial, educational and research advancement. Wu Jianping, leader of the FITI project, highlighted that this project is unprecedented worldwide and is designed to be accessible to society , supporting experiments with innovative network structures.

Compared with conventional routes, the new Internet backbone replaces up to 10 routes that previously carried the same amount of data, making it a more economical and manageable option, according to Xu Mingwei of Tsinghua University. Furthermore, it represents a significant achievement in terms of sovereignty and technological independence, challenging advanced competitors such as the United States or Japan.

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