In China they generate energy with a “salt battery”

The nanofluidic membrane has managed to double the efficiency of existing technologies.
En China generan energía con una "batería de sal"

In China, a team of scientists has made significant progress in the energy field with the creation of a “salt battery“which uses the osmotic energy, extracted from salt gradients between fresh and salt water, to generate electricity more efficiently than pre-existing systems.

What is osmotic energy or blue energy?

The concept of osmotic energy or blue energy is based on the use of the energy potential present in the difference in saline concentration between two bodies of water, particularly in places such as estuaries. This principle has been known since the mid-20th century, but only in recent decades has it seen significant technological advances in its practical application.

Furthermore, results obtained by researchers from Anhui Agricultural University and Guangxi University have shown remarkably superior performance by doubling the energy conversion efficiency compared to commercially available reverse electrodialysis (RED) systems.

Salt battery: proven efficiency and durability

This achievement has been possible thanks to the innovative design of a semipermeable nanofluidic membrane, composed of alternating layers of cellulose and plastic material, which optimizes the flow of ions and electrons, reducing internal resistance and improving electrical conductivity.

Furthermore, the new technology has demonstrated outstanding power output with a density of 11.7 W/m² and proven durability in continuous operation for more than two weeks , thus evidencing its potential for long-term applications and its viability under operational conditions. real.

This technological development has the potential to revolutionize the production of renewable energy and could have a significant impact on the health sector, particularly in the energy autonomy of medical devices in isolated areas or in improving the infrastructure of hospitals in coastal areas.

These types of multidisciplinary applications highlight the importance of continuous research and collaboration between different scientific fields to maximize the positive impact of technological innovations.

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