By : Inspenet, Nov 29, 2022
On November 23, 2022, the General Director of the CFE, Lic. Manuel Bartlett, the General Director of CFEnergía, Dr. Miguel Reyes, as well as André Canguçú, Managing Director, met at the offices of the Federal Electricity Commission. of ENGIE Networks for the Americas; Felisa Ros, Country Manager of ENGIE México and Eva Ribera, Vice President of Business Development and Network Implementation of ENGIE México; Said meeting had as objective the celebration of an agreement that will allow the parties to agree on the technical and commercial terms for the execution of an expansion of the Mayakan gas pipeline.
Currently, this historic gas pipeline, contracted since 1997, can supply 6 CFE generation plants. However, with the entry into operation of the two new generation plants (Mérida IV and Valladolid IV), as well as the expectation of future demand for natural gas in the region, the need to develop additional gas transportation infrastructure becomes imperative. nature that meets the needs of the area. It is expected that once the Puerta al Sureste gas pipeline is completed, it will be the means by which said fuel is supplied to the Mayakan gas pipeline and its expansion.

The Director General of the CFE stated that this type of public-private agreement strengthens the strategic position of the Commission at the national and international level, in addition to contributing to the economic and social development of the Country. For his part, the General Director of CFEnergía stated that through this Agreement the following will be achieved: i) guarantee the reliable, continuous and quality supply of natural gas to the area and; ii) obtain a competitive rate that allows compliance with the presidential commitment not to increase electricity rates.

Finally, André Canguçú stated that ENGIE seeks to accompany the country’s energy strategy and one way to achieve this is to continue carrying natural gas through the Mayakan gas pipeline and expand the capacity of this critical infrastructure for the region. Within the framework of the agreement, André Canguçú expressed, “just as it happened 25 years ago when ENGIE arrived in the country, today we have the opportunity to reiterate our commitment to the government of Mexico and to all Mexicans to develop projects that accompany the energy policy for democratize access to competitive and clean energy for all, supporting the energy transition”.
The CFE will seek to obtain economic benefits such as those already achieved in other negotiations of a similar nature, in addition to contributing to the policy of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to strengthen Energy Security and Sovereignty for the benefit of Mexicans.

Source :
Photos : Courtesy Engie Mexico
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