Buyle aims to network at the AMPP Conference

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Inspenet, March 21, 2023

Inspenet continues to report on everything that happens at the AMPP 2023 Annual Conference and Exposition , which began on Sunday and will run until Thursday, March 23, in Denver, USA. From the place, we exclusively interviewed Chris Buyle, Senior Staff Specialist of the SME company.

Buyle commented on SME, a geosciences, materials and environmental consulting, inspection and engineering firm located in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. “We have geotechnical, infrastructure, construction groups, we do a lot of different things. If you can think of something, we can probably do inspection or consulting tests for it. We also make inspection reports and things like that.”

In addition, he explained some of the things he wants to achieve during the Annual Conference of AMPP: “I am a coating and fire retardant consultant and I came here because I want to do networking (create and increase the network of contacts), meet people, I want to learn new technologies and processes that help me and my clients to solve problems.”

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Finally, Buyle highlighted the educational benefits offered by the conference: “I did a symposium today on water tanks, coatings and coding, I learned new things, just on the first day, I was already able to take something with me to help my clients, I still love there is still a lot to socialize and learn”.

Stay connected with Inspenet and don’t miss what happens at the conference, with interviews with the speakers and all the news from the exhibition.

Source and Photo : Inspenet

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