Brazilian steel mill resumes steel production after floods

Despite the devastating floods, Gerdau did not suffer any losses in its steel production during the temporary suspension.
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Siderúrgica brasileña reanuda producción de acero tras inundaciones

After weeks of interruptions due to heavy rains that caused severe flooding,the Brazilian steelmaker Gerdau has resumed operations in southern Brazil.

In early May, the company announced the temporary suspension of its activities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This stoppage was due to the need to ensure “the protection and safety of the people” affected by the floods. Although they did not specify the exact date of the resumption, Gerdau informed the Argus portal that it did not suffer any production losses during this period.

The region had been severely affected by the floods, which resulted in the death of at least 172 people and the displacement of thousands of inhabitants.

About the Brazilian steel company Gerdau

Gerdau operates two important plants in the region, Riograndense and Charqueadas. Although the company did not detail production volumes by state, it did report the sale of 2.7 million metric tons of steel in the first quarter of the year, a slight decrease from the 2.98 million metric tons sold in the same period of the previous year.

The Charqueadas plant specializes in the production of specialty steel products, while the Riograndense plant manufactures raw and finished steel products, such as rebar and wire rod.

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Source: argusmedia

Photo: shutterstock

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